
I like to write about people, the places they live and the things with which they choose to surround themselves. Here are some of my favorite pieces that made it into Article.

keyboard shortcut

Keyboard shortcuts for Sublime and VSCode

Knowing and applying the keyboard shortcuts is very useful and time-saving while coding/programming. I have added some keyboard shortcuts that will help you while writing code in any editor. Most of the shortcuts are common across most editors. But you can modify them in most modern editors like sublime, VScode, atom, etc. If you are …


DataTables – Turn your ordinary HTML table into an interactive table

DataTables is a plug-in that can turn your ordinary table into an awesome interactive table. You just have to call a function only. So let’s get started. If you are using Bootstrap then awesome, just include these files into the HTML document: CSS: <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”” /> JS: <script src=””></script> <script src=””></script> And of course, …